Tournament Rules

Tournament rules and guidelines

A. Game Rules

  • Games last 25 minutes. The finals last 2×20 minutes (and have no break).
  • Each game will start and end with a whistle signal.
  • Games are played according to the Dutch Hockey Board Rules 2024 – 2025 (KNHB).
  • Game point are earned as followed: win = 3 points; draw = 1 point; lost = 0 points
  • It’s not a mixed tournament. Girls play against girls. Boys play against boys.
  • We are expecting maximum effort of all players during the matches, as it is a performance tournament.
  • Teams play in Club-outfit.
  • The team, first listed in the tournament overview has the kick-off and plays the home game.
  • Tournament Ranking: 1) amount of games won; if equal than: 2) goal difference; if equal than: 3) Amount of goals scored; if equal than: 4) shoot-outs
  • The Tournament Committee will accommodate all games with Referees.
  • It is not possible to oppose umpire decisions.
  • When a tiebreaker game ends with a draw, shoot-outs are played to force a match winner.
  • In case a team steps out of the tournament, all existing scores will be deleted and a new ranking will be calculated.

B. General

  • Every participants of the tournament has to have identification and has to show it on demand by the organisation.
  • Every participant has to wear the wristlet and has to show it on demand by the organisation.

C. Expected Behaviour and consequences

  • The tournament organization expects coaches or supervisors to be capable of leading a team. The age of at least 21 is a requirement. If in doubt, the tournament management may ask for identification. Coaches or supervisors are responsible for the team’s behaviour throughout the weekend.
  • It is mandatory that at least 1 supervisor is present in a sober manner at the team, both during the day and at night!

  • The Tournament site is equipped with waste containers, we urge participants to use these containers.

  • Leave toilets and in the showers clean after use.
  • It is expected that all tournament participant join the party in the clubhouse at Saturday evening. It is not allowed to play music by participants during 10 p.m. and 8:30 p.m. The tournament organization might confiscate hardware to avoid any noise disturbance. Hardware will be returned the owner at the end of the tournament.
  • In case of any undesired behaviour by tournament participants, the tournament organisation is authorised to exclude the participant and/or the participants’ team from the tournament. Tournament contribution or sums paid in advance as a deposit will not be reimbursed.
  • Total costs related to vandalism will be recovered from the perpetrator.
  • It is not allowed to make a campfire on the tournament site.

D. Safety and responsibility

  • Fire extinguishers are available through the organization. (Available in the house located at the camping site (not in the clubhouse)).
  • The organization of the tournament and external security have the right to grant access to all tents on site and to execute checks on particpants luggage.
  • All participans are expected to follow directions from the tournament organization or tournament security.
  • HC Tilburg cannot be held liable for incidents or accidents outside the HC Tilburg site.
  • Participants’ in the tournament are not allowed to leave the HC Tilburg site without permission from the organization.
  • HC Tilburg is not liable for loss, theft and /or damage to participants’ property.
  • The tournament management decides in unforeseen circumstances.

E. Alcohol and drugs

  • It is prohibited to consume alcohol under the age of 18. No alcohol will be served at the party.
  • At our tournament it is forbidden to smoke under the age of 18. This also applies to e-cigarettes. The organization urgently requests the supervision of the teams to oversee this.
  • At least one supervisor per team must be sober during the weekend.
  • From the start of the last game on Saturday, alcohol may be served to anyone at the age of 18 or older.
  • It is forbidden to enter the pitch with alcoholic beverages and / or (e-) cigarettes.
  • It is forbidden to bring any alcoholic beverages. These will be confiscated by the tournament directions.
  • All forms of drugs are prohibited on or around the HC Tilburg site.
  • When drugs are detected, those involved will be excluded from active participation in the tournament.

F. Food and beverages

  • Lunches, dinner on Saturday evening and breakfast on Sunday are arranged by the catering of HC Tilburg. Other meals or beverages can be ordered at the applicable rate.
  • Since this season, the catering at HC Tilburg can only be paid by card, not by cash;
  • We urge everyone to leave the tables in a tidy state after the meal and to deposit the waste in the appropriate waste bins.
  • If someone has other dietary requirements and has not yet communicated this, we request that he or she does this as soon as possible.
  • It is forbidden to order external food and have it delivered at site between 10 p.m. and 7 a.m.

To ensure that the tournament runs as smoothly as possible, we ask all teams to adhere to the rules.